Why Did I Move To India
I moved back to Canada after spending two mildly challenging yet enjoyable and memorable years in Denmark expecting to resettle in a comfortable professional and personal life in my adopted country. However it didn’t quite turn out like that, plus I was in a role I hated. This role sucked the life juice out of me and I carried this negativity in every sphere of my life. It was not a good place to be and I knew I had to change something.
My wife and I had been reflecting on our life’s vision and refining it for a couple of years. What eventually became clear is we saw ourselves living in a warm, eclectic, colorful place, making an impact both at the grassroots level and at a larger scale. We also knew we wanted to be a part of a growing, and an energetic environment that nurtures our spirit. BUT the reality was, we were living in Canada – an awesome country and in many ways ‘Best of the West’. However, not exactly aligned to our vision.
Having said that there were a few things working for me – my beautiful and supportive wife, my awesomely kind, resilient and soccer loving son and my daily meditation practice (more on this in another post!). During this time I also picked up 2 books; Solve for Happy (Mo Gawdat) and Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace, and Prosperity (Lynn Robinson) that talk about making life choices based on what makes you happy, not settling for anything less than joy, how to access your intuition and follow your heart – messages that resonated with me immensely.
This may sound like an “Eat, Pray, Love” moment but stay with me, during one of my meditation sessions, I got a flash of insight – why don’t we move to India!?! – it’s warm, colourful, and while chaotic it has insatiable youthful energy bursting to find form. It would give me a great platform to apply my leadership experience and make an impact at the grassroots level. To top it all this will provide an amazing opportunity for us as a family to experience India from a very different lens than how we experienced it growing up in middle class families in the 80’s and 90’s.
My wife and I sat with this idea for some months and started researching about India in parallel. As we researched and discussed, the feeling only got stronger and stronger. We decided not to over analyze this and be guided by how we feel. Soon the decision was made and we moved on to executing it.
We left Canada in early July and have been in India for 3 months at the time of this writing and enjoying every moment of it. We have explored parts of India we have never been to (more about this in another post!) and have decided to stay in Goa for a few months. For those of you who don’t know Goa – it is paradise with beaches, beautiful and warm water and greenery all around. I am using the time and this slice of paradise to chill, dream and figure out what I want to do next.
You might be thinking. “Wow, that’s crazy!?” And I don’t disagree HA! Yes, what I did was a bit crazy and I still Don’t Know what I will do next - hence, the title of my blog. But I can tell you the overwhelming feeling is of pride and excitement at following my heart/intuition (whatever you want to call it) and this makes me feel happy and light (not the body weight which is trending the wrong way unfortunately because of all the great food). This blog is simply about sharing my journey, experiences, and in doing so hopefully inspiring others in a similar situation! After all, isn’t this what life is about - following your heart and living free, light, and with purpose!!!
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